This happens every Sunday morning.
10.30am - 12pm (approx)
People's Church Partington
Chapel Lane
M31 4EY
Everyone is welcome to join us as we worship God.
It doesn't matter if you follow Jesus or don't know anything about God yet. It doesn't matter if you feel absolutely rock bottom or on top of the world.
We believe it is our most basic need to worship God!
You don't have to dress smart at all - it's very casual (but you can dress up if you want!)
Every service includes lots of singing worshipful songs about God - we have a live band to help us do this. We always have prayer and Bible teaching. We love when the Holy Spirit speaks to us - not just through the sermon or the songs, but when God gives people a word of encouragement, or prophesy.
We have a wonderful children's work run by a gifted team. Children under reception age can go into the creche room where parents can look after their children as they play, but still hear and view the service. Children in reception up to year 6 go into the back two rooms for age appropriate teaching, worship, activities and lots of fun.
We sometimes have an 'all-in' service children and youth stay in throughout the service and we learn and grow together as one church family.
We take communion on the first and third Sunday in the month. Everyone who knows and loves Jesus is invited to share this with us.
There is an opportunity to give financially during the service, although most folks now give through online banking.
We believe giving financially to support the work of the church is an act of faith and part of Christian living.
We wouldn't want anyone to feel pressured into giving money, though - so don't let it put you off coming to the service.
After the Service
​​​​​​After the service we have to time to catch up over a brew and biscuits, cake or other sweet treats!​
Year 7 - 10 head upstairs at the start of the sermon for their own youth church session on the same theme as the sermon for the week.