Every week we record the sermons at the People's Church so if you've missed our service, you can listen later online.

2nd March 2025 - Introduction to Prayer and Fasting
Stuart McPhail
Stuart McPhail
Stuart McPhail
30th March 2025 - Holy Spirit John 14-16
Katharine McPhail

12th January 2025 - What is Discipleship?
Stuart McPhail
19th January 2025 - Be with Jesus
Katharine McPhail
26th January 2025 - Become like Jesus
Stuart McPhail
2nd February 2025 - Do What Jesus Did
Katharine McPhail
9th February 2025 - Do What Jesus Did - Part 2
Stuart McPhail

5th January 2025
Remembering the Goodness of God
Graham Blower

Be Encouraged
The Letter to the Philippians -
Be Encouraged
29th September 2024
Philippians 1.21-30
Katharine McPhail - technical error, unrecorded
Philippians 3
Katharine McPhail
3rd November 2024
Stuart McPhail
10th November 2024
Katharine McPhail
17th November 2024
Stuart McPhail

Colossians: Keeping Christ at the Centre
September 2022 onwards...
Karen Greenhalgh
Ruth Lancey​
Jonathan Bramwell
Colossians 1: 1-9 introduction to Colossions ​
Colossians 1: 9-14 Live a life thats worthy
Colossians 1: 15-23 The Supremacy of Christ. - Coming soon...

Did Somebody Say...Just Preach?
Meals with a Mission, Mostly in Luke's Gospel
April - August 2022
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jon Witt
Carl Beech
Ashley Stansfield
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Beth White
Ruth Lancey
Jonathan Boyers
John Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Church is More Than Sundays - Intro and Luke 24
The Banquet of the Despised - Luke 5: 27-32
Dignity - Building Community Through Life Groups
Carriers of the Gospel
Pentecost Sunday: Lord Let your Fire fall
Meal Interrupted - Luke 7: 36-50
Hospitality Means 'Be' - Luke 10: 38-42
I'll Meet You at Yours - Jesus and Zacchaeus - Luke 19
Meals Without Repayment - Luke 14
Meals of Restoration - John 21
Meals of Transformation - John 2
Welcome Home Banquet - Luke 15

The Gospel of Mark
Latest series: May 21- April 22
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Steve Brown
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Karen Greenhalgh
Beth White
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Kevin Johnson
Steve Brown
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Ruth Lancey
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Steve Brown
Jayne Irlam
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Graham Blower
Jonathan Boyers
Beth White
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Kevin Johnson
Jonathan Boyers
Ashley Stansfield
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan, Sally,
Hayley & Simon
Jonathan Boyers
Mark 1: 1-13 The Beginning of the Good News...
Mark 1: 14-28 Jesus Calls
Mark 1: 29- 2:12 Jesus Heals
Mark 2: 13-23 Jesus Calls (part 2)
Mark 2: 24 - 3: 13 Jesus Lord of the Sabbath
Mark 3: 14-35 When you start to follow Jesus...
Mark 4: 1-21 Jesus Teaches (part 1)
Mark 4: 22-34 Jesus Teaches (part 2)
Mark 4: 35- ch 5 Jesus' Authority: Lord of all
Mark 6: 1- 29 Jesus in Difficult Times
Mark 6: 30- end Jesus' Miraculous Provision
Mark 7: 1-23 Jesus Challenges: Clean and Unclean
Mark 7: 24-37 Crumbs for the Dogs
Mark 8: 1-21 Jesus' Miraculous Provision (2)
Mark 8: 22 - 9: 1 The Turning Point
Mark 9: 2-13 Jesus' Transfiguration
Mark 9: 14-32 Jesus Heals (again)
Mark 9: 33- 10:16 Bumps on the Road
Mark 10: 17-31 The Cost of Discipleship
Rev 2 (Series break) Returning to the First Love
Mark 10: 32-52 On the Road to Jerusalem
Mark 11: 1-19 Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Mark 11: 20-12:12 Jesus in Conflict
Mark 12: 13-35 Jesus Teaches
Mark 12: 35-44 The Widow's Example
Mark 13 Signs of the End of the Age
Mark 14: 1 - 11 Jesus Anointed at Bethany
Mark 14: 1 - 31 The Last Supper
Mark 14: 32-52 Jesus prays in the Garden
Mark 14: 53-end Jesus on Trial
Mark 15 Jesus Dies: Good Friday
Mark 16 Jesus Rises!! Easter Sunday, & Baptism Testimonies
Mark 16 & more What Happened Next

Advent and Christmas Services 2021
& New Year 2022 Non-Series Preaches
November - December 2021, January - February 22
Family Focus Team: Jane, Carolyn, Sally, Kevin
Jonathan Boyers
Karen Greenhalgh
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Sarah Hayes & Hazel Dyble
Jonathan Boyers
Ruth Lancey
Karen Greenhalgh
Introducing our Advent themes
God gives us the gift of Peace​
God gives us the gift of Joy
God gives us the gift of Hope
God gives us the gift of Himself
New Year 2022: Numbers 13: The Blue Bin Full of Dreams
CAP Sunday 2022
But This I Know - Holding on to God's Truth in Hard Times
Let Go of the Former Things! See I am doing a new thing...
Eden Sunday 2022

Easter Services 2021
March - April 2021
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Beth White
Jonathan Boyers
Paul Lloyd
Palm Sunday: God Saves!
Good Friday: My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?
Easter Sunday: He Lives!
What Happened Next: The Road to Emmaus
The Mezzanine Floor - Living Between Times
Sunday Night Special - Paul's Testimony

Rise Up Church and Pray New Year 2021
January - March 21
Ashley Stansfield
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Simon Richards, Jayne Irlam, Caroline Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Kevin Johnson, Steve Brown, Hans Christian
Jonathan Boyers
Restored to Reach Out (John 21)
Pray for a Visible Church (Romans 1:8-10)
Pray for a Rooted Church (Ephesians 3:14-19)
Pray for a Powerful Church (Ephesians 3: 20-21)
Pray for a Spirit Filled Church (1 Corinthians 1: 4-9)
Pray for a United Church (Rom 15: 5-6)
Pray for a Fruitful, Thankful, Joyful Church (Col 1: 9-12)
Pray for a Loving Church (Phil 1: 9-11)
Pray for a Reverent Church (1 Thess 1 and 5)

Advent and Christmas Services 2020
November - December 2020
Lisa Bebbington, Ruth Lancey and Kevin Johnson
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Advent: It is Good to Wait Quietly for the Salvation of the Lord (Lamentations 3: 26)
There is Hope (The First Christmas)
The Glory of God Comes Close (John 1)
The Greatest Gift (Matthew 1: 18-25)
Reaching Out in the Hard Times (1 Kings 17)

Reflect - Review - Review
September - November 2020
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Steve Brown
Beth White
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Ecc 1 - Introduction: Everything is Meaningless!
Ecc 2 - Pursuing a life of purpose
Ecc 2 - Midlife Crisis: Press Reset
Ecc 3 - Know the Season You're In
Ecc 4 - This Is Not Good! The Road to Nowhere
Ecc 4 & 5 - Friends and Faith
Ecc 5 & 6 - Savour the Blessings
Ecc 7 - Always Better with Jesus
Ecc 8 - Let it Go
Ecc 9 - Live in Light of the Ending
Ecc 9 & 10 - Pursue Wisdom
Ecc 11 & 12 - In the End...Where is True Joy Found?

The Lockdown Preaches Summer 2020
Jonathan Boyers
Carl Beech
Jonathan Boyers
Chris Lane
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Karen Greenhalgh, Kevin Johnson & Sue Sinclair
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jayne Irlam & Caroline Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Caroline Boyers, Beth White & Graham Blower
Steve Brown, James Meredith & Jerome Pressley
Jonathan Boyers & Mabel Nyazika
Andy Kind
Phil Jump
Love God, Love Your Neighbour
The Power of God: on the streets, in taxis, and through you
Revelation 1- Lockdown with God
Philippians - Lessons from a Prison Cell
Joshua 1 - Into the Unknown
Acts 2 - People of the Spirit
Luke 5 - Follow me
Matt 28 & Acts 2 - What's the Point of Church?
1 Cor 4: 8-17 - Father's Day: Being fathers in the faith
Journeying from busyness to holiness and hunger
Re-routed: New Direction! Acts 16
How can we worship when we can't sing? Romans 12
The Pearl of Great Price & the Dying Tree
It's Harvest Time - Cast Your Nets!
Psalm 23 - The Lord is My Shepherd
Psalm 27 - The Lord is My Light & My Salvation
Psalm 123 - I Lift My Eyes to You
1 Peter 1: 3-4 The Fall & Rise of the Apostle Peter
Acts 4: Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land
A Praying People

Daniel - Living Faith in Exile
Jan - May 2020
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jerome Pressley
Karen Greenhalgh
Jonathan Boyers
Beth White
Jonathan Boyers
Kevin Johnson
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Daniel 1 By the Rivers of Babylon
Daniel 2 (A) There is a God in Heaven
Daniel 2 (B) God the Revealer of Mysteries
Daniel 4 God is God & You're Not!
Daniel 5 The Writing's on the Wall
Daniel 6 Don't Leave your Faith Lion
on the Floor
Daniel 7 Beauty and the Beasts
Daniel 8 A Greek Tragedy
Daniel 9 What are you longing for?
Daniel 10 The power of persevering
in Prayer
Dan 11&12 Trust in God who knows the future

Testimonies - First Sundays, and 'Transformed' Events
Guest speakers and amazing stories of transformed lives
Aaron Jarvis
Carl Beech
David Hamilton
Gram Seed
From Addiction, dealing and Loss: How God Changed My Life
The Power of God: on the streets, in taxis, and through you
Transformed: From Terrorism to Jesus
Transformed: Gram's Life Story

2020 VISION - Getting Ready For the Leap (year) of Faith
September - November 2019
Faith is a 4 letter word
Where do we grow from here?
What does God want to do with your one life?
Have you ever lost something of great value?
What have you been entrusted with?
King of Kings
Are you still awake?
Being good soil
God's Covenant
Healing: The Kingdom Breaks In
Does What I Do Reflect Who We Are?
Is your heart beating for Jesus?
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Andy Barclay-Watt
Tom Grant
Jonathan Boyers
Ruth Lancey
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jerome Pressley &
Beth White
Jayne Irlam
Jonathan Boyers
Ashley Stansfield

Karen Greenhalgh
Paul Spooner
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Steve Brown
Jonathan Boyers
Advent: Isaiah's Messiah part 1
Advent: Isaiah's Messiah part 2
The Greatest Gift
Christmas Eve Communion - Cling to God (Micah 5: 1-5)
Keep the Fire Burning (2 Tim 1: 1-14)
Covenant Service 2020

April 19- September 19
Jonathan Boyers
Kevin Johnson
Jonathan Boyers
Ruth Lancey
Message Academy
Paul Spooner
Steve Brown
Kevin Johnson
Caroline Boyers
Jayne Irlam
Beth White
Ruth Lancey
Simon Richards
Graham Blower
Karen Greenhalgh
Paul Spooner
Phil Briggs
10 reasons to read your Bible
Develop the relationship - Prayer
Be with Jesus - Silence and Solitude
Being people people
Use your gifts
Being Spirit filled
Trust and obey, there is no other way!
Consistent life: Put on the new self
Running from Temptation and Distraction
Share your Faith
Compassion Sunday

Jan19 - Apr 19
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Kevin Johnson
Nigel Wright
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Karen Greenhalgh
Paul Spooner
Carl Beech
Jonathan Boyers
New Year : Drop Your Nets. Matthew 4: 18-25
Re-discovering God's Plans and Purposes. 2 Kings 22
Hold Tight! God is One - Father, Son and Spirit
Hold Tight! God is Revealed, Personal and Creator
Hold Tight! We Are Made in God's Image But
Hold Tight! Jesus is Fully Man, Fully God
Hold Tight! Jesus is Risen - Hope of the World!
Hold Tight! Jesus is Lord, King and Saviour
Hold Tight! We Are Forgiven and Free
Hold Tight! Jesus Will Return in Power and Glory
Hold Tight! Jesus We are Commissioned and Sent
Palm Sunday 2019
Palm Sunday Evening: Testimony
Easter Sunday: God is More Powerful than you remember

Sep 18 - Dec 18
Jonathan Boyers
Paul Spooner
Jonathan Boyers
Karen Greenhalgh
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Joe Smith
Jonathan Boyers
Steve Brown
Jonathan Boyers
Kevin Johnson
Ephesians 1: 1-15 Foundations for a Jesus Centred Life
Ephesians 1: 15-23 A Prayer for the Church: Lord Help them grasp this!
Ephesians 2: Alive in Christ, One in Christ
Ephesians 3: Paul's Excitement and the God of Immeasurably More
Ephesians 4: 1-16 No Longer Infants
Ephesians 4: 17-5:20 Put on the New You
Ephesians 5: 21-6:9 How this all relates to how you relate
Ephesians 6: 10-end Equipped for the Life of Faith
Advent: Are You Ready?
Carol Service: Sometimes a gift is more than a gift
The Christmas Story Continued...The Awkward Bit at the End

CHURCH : The People of God
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Karen Greenhalgh
Paul Spooner
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jayne Irlam
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Church Means We're Family
Church Means We're Friends
Church Means We're The Body
Church is a Royal Priesthood of Wounded Healers
Church Is a Spirit Filled Community
Church Is Local and Global (All Age)
Church Is The Frontline in Battle
Church Is A Five Fold Community
Church Is A Mission Movement
Baptism Sunday - Living to a Different Narrative

Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Paul Spooner
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
Phil Dixon
Jonathan Boyers
Karen Greenhalgh
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Boyers
'I Am NOT': John the Baptist sets the scene
I AM The Bread of Life
I AM The Light of the World
Before Abraham was I AM
I AM the Gate
I AM in the Father
I AM the Good Shepherd
I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life
I AM the Vine
I AM the Resurrection (Easter Sunday)
​I AM Sending You

Jonathan Boyers
Kevin Johnson
Jonathan Boyers
Paul Spooner
Jonathan Boyers
Karen Greenhalgh
Jonathan Boyers
Jayne Irlam
Jonathan Boyers
Jonathan Bramwell
Karen Greenhalgh
Perseverance: Your Stamina (James 1: 1-12)
When Temptation Calls: Your Defence (James 1: 13-18)
What Are You Letting In? Your Diet (James 1: 19-27)
Feasts and Favouritism (James 2: 1-13)
Taming the Tongue (James 3: 1-12)
Wisdom from Heaven (James 3: 13-18)
Motivation: What's Going on in What's Going on? (James 4: 1-12)
Ambition: I want to be.... (James 4: 13-17)
A Wealth Warning (James 5: 1-6)
Keep Going til the End (James 5: v7 - end)